oleh : Sam Riilme
Hello, dear dreamer.
Gaze upon me with that youthful eyes of yours.
The world is filled with possibilities,
Everyone in it is kind,
And everyone is a friend.
Even the clouds floating in the sky are made of sweet candy!
Sparkling eyes make your world shine brighter.
Goodbye, dear dreamer.
Gaze upon me with those aged eyes of yours.
The world is predictable,
Everything in it is cruel,
And everyone is a tired stranger.
Even that sweet candy is made of filthy smog!
The sparkling world has opened your eyes.
Wonderland is a fairytale world.
Rhymes are the cradle of dreams.
They’re not worth one shilling.
Their warranty doesn’t even last ten years.
Sweet memories soon fade away.
A necessary sweet pain.
Even if you forget what the book was about,
Don’t forget the bookmark placed between your dreams.
~Nursery Rhyme’s Craft Essence, [Wonderland]
“Hai~. Lama tak jumpa. Kulihat kau baik-baik saja.”
Sebuah suara terdengar menyapa dengan riang menggoda.
Iris Lemma, yang tengah bercengkerama(?) dengan
dombanya seperti dunia hanya milik berdua, sesaat dikejutkan dengan keberadaan
orang ketiga di dalam Bingkai Mimpi yang kosong tanpa penghuni ini.